AN update on my lemon and lime largesse.
Well, I haven't made any lemonade yet. Lucy, 7, and her mate, Annie, managed to drive the neighbours bonkers one recent Sunday when they set up a stall to sell them.
Given how much they are charging for them in the shops, the 50cents each or three for $1 price went down well.
They sung and danced on the footpath, cajoling poor passing pedestrians into buying lemons and limes. I think most were happy to do so and some even gave them a tip.
Of course, lovely neighbour Margaret came back a few times to purchase. I doubt she needed them. But that is what she does. That's why we love her.
The girls closed the day with a total of something like $17.50.
They were chuffed. We agreed they could get a cheapo icecream from the Golden Arches and do what they wanted to do with the balance. In Lucy's case her share went into her iPod fund. Apparently at the age of 7 she is the only person in the world not to own one! I found it very difficult to give them away to friends and family. I am assuming it has been a bumper citrus crop year.
I squeezed plenty of them into ice cube trays and then decanted inti ziplock bags.
I made a lemon slice. My good mate Nikole turned some into lemon butter for a fundraising afternoon tea we were putting on for the Hands Across the Water charity. It tasted scrumptious on Nikole's scones. There are still a few more left and I really hate the thought of them rotting. I will have to scour my recipe books for more suggestions - lemon meringue pie, lemon delicious ........
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