Ever since I can remember I have loved gardening. As a little child I could often be found across the road in my neighbour's garden. Mrs Nightingale (or Mrs Nightie as we knew her) kept a meticulously tidy garden.
No weeds, dead straight borders and lawn mowed just so.
She loved geraniums and pelargoniums. Two, three and maybe even more times a week she would get out dead heading them, pulling off stray leaves and making sure that not a thing was out of place.
I always looked upon the pelargoniums as being the upmarket cousin of the humble geranium. Years later, I adore geraniums planted enmasse. Each time I go to Europe I come back with a newfound devotion to red, white and pink geraniums. I adore the blast of colour they provide when planted in window boxes and placed on steps. I have endeavoured, with limited success, to recreate that look at my own house. Just back from a European trip, I am keen when the weather improves to have another go.
And the great thing about the humble geranium is that they are so easy to propagate. Cut a bit off, stick it in some potting mix and voila. Great for kids, great for people looking to do some planting on a limited budget and great for those new to gardening who want some quick gratification.
Perfectly tended roses, a Camellia Japonica (feed with tea leaves) and hellebores are some the other memorable plants in Mrs Nightie's gardening. I have always loved hellebores, or Winter Roses, as a result. They are pretty pricey now that they are fashionable for shaded areas. You often see them planted enmasse. The Fitzroy Gardens, in Melbourne, has a nice display.
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